Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Quantum Physics?

In the world of physics in general, there are two views of the Physics Classical and Quantum Physics. Classical physics or often called Newtonian begin his observation of solid objects that "could see everyday," as its fall apples, to the movement of planets. Mechanisms of legal certainty "billiard ball" that was adopted into the workings of industrial machinery that has been in force for several hundred years it managed to deliver the industrial revolution.

But in the late 19th century when scientists began making equipment to invest in gas atom objects are very small, they found something puzzling in which Newton's physics is no longer able to explain or predict what they found in the laboratory. Since then, up to a period of a hundred years, a new scientific explanation from birth to explain the behavior of atomic objects that can not be seen by us. And scientific research is revealing the reality of his world there are really new known as quantum mechanics, quantum physics or quantum theory

New physics is not present to shift science Newtonian physics are still running good at describing objects large enough and the "look". Quantum physics actually deliberately enter to explore areas of material is very small and no longer in grasping the "eye" Newtonian physics of sub-atomic world is so small.

[Sub-quantum world is found the first time when the science of Newtonian physics can not explain what they found in the laboratory and scientists were able to conclude it with what happened, well since it's in a 100-year kurum discover clarity on the quantum laws, nah for Quantum Law itself is an element that is not visible but can be felt or not can be seen with the eye or eye tool, it is different from the atom, the atom of an element that most small and can not be divided anymore but still can be viewed.]

Experts quantum physics (quantum physics), which is popular among them is Albert Einstein and several other names such as Richar Feynan, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, David Bohm, Erwin Schrodinger, by Fred Alan Wolf, Amit Goswami, David Albert, and many again. Quantum scientists examined what exactly happens when an object on the sides continuously until the level of the material is very small. And materials at the sides with a continuous breaking up atomic particle accelerator invisible until turned into the finest energy

From various research, quantum physics such as the present brings new news: the world's finest energy is an "invisible" law of its form that is different to the world of things that "look" that the laws of quantum fisikia unique and somewhat "difficult to believe" of which :

1. At the quantum level there really is not a solid object all objects in the world was made on the basis of "Empty Space"
2. The behavior of particles fluctuations of the solid into vibration vibration and vice versa depending on the "intent" of researchers
3. Her prevailing legal uncertainty and to
4. Non-locality Law which states that the smallest element of all the objects that actually exist here and everywhere at once.

Composition Elements Of A Small To Large:

1) Objects: Solids is a collection of molecules
2) Molecules: Molecules derived from all the atoms and particles
3) Atoms: The contents of a molecule and Objects
4) Particles: Sub-Atomic very little that comes from an energy
5) Quantum: Quantum Vibrations unseen
6) Vibration Energy: An energy consisting of vibration.

[Everything in the universe is part of a remarkable quantum energy. All people, all animals, all plants, all the planets, and all microorganisms, no matter how big or small it is made ​​of energy. All objects are seen around agan agan such as houses, cars, televisions, etc., is actually just a kuantumyang energy created by his mind.
For, if all this stuff in the investigation of the near nuclear microscope, for example, it seems clear that they are not is solid at all, but rather consists of cavities containing vibrational quantum energy that moves so fast that "looks" solid by our visual sense and "feels" solid by our sense of touch.]

Well how do we with the quantum of knowledge.? Interesting is not to be learned never to discuss further we see the usefulness of quantum to our daily lives.

1. Communication

With cell phones, e-mails and SMS, you probably think of instant communication happens just like that. In fact, your voice, e-mail and text all use a little time to achieve their goals. In the distant future, though, people may need to communicate across the galaxy than the continent. But maybe there is hope for their future, in this case some scientists think that quantum mechanics may hold the key to making a really instant communication, regardless of the distance.
Einstein called spooky action at the distance "spooky action at a distance." When two particles are entangled, any change to one of the particles created in particle changes instantaneously, regardless of the distance separating them.

2. Termometer

If you take the thermometer out of your medicine cabinet and try to measure the temperature is less than a hundredth of a degree above absolute zero, it may not be. Fortunately, researchers from Yale have developed a thermometer capable of measuring not only extreme temperatures like that, but do so with unparalleled accuracy.
To build a thermometer, a team must completely restructure the design of the thermometer. In their search for a more accurate thermometer, the scientists found what they are looking for in quantum tunneling.

3. Laser

Laser is the core of everything from DVD players to destroy the missile-defense system, but without an understanding of quantum mechanics, scientists probably will not have the laser at all.
Laser works by pulling the electrons orbiting atoms, which then emit photons as they return to lower energy levels. Emitted photons emitted later cause other atoms to release photons of the same energy and direction, creating a stream of photons we see as a laser beam.

4. Generator Scrambler

Believe it or not, scientists are scrambling numbers really random with the help of quantum mechanics. Why are scientists looking for the quantum world with a random number when they could only roll a pair of dice? It turns out that the true randomness occurs only at the quantum level. If scientists have enough information about the roll the dice, they can actually simulate and predict the outcome. The same is true for the roulette wheel, ball toss and even a computer random number generated, in the end, everything can be predicted.

5. Transistor

Thanks to a breakthrough discovery in quantum mechanics, Stanford researcher Eugene Wigner and his student, Frederick Seitz, is the first to manipulate the properties of semiconductors in the 1930s. Armed with their research, scientists from Bell Laboratories developed the first transistor base over the next decade, and 1954, the U.S. military has built TRIDAC, the first computer-based transistors.

and for future quantum will be used as:

6. Teleportation

You have seen all sorts of teleportation in science fiction movies and television, and now it has finally become a reality. While scientists are those who conducted the research has been done step in the right direction. In this case, though, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, managed to teleport information on the matter. Specifically, the team was able to manipulate the properties of a single atom and atom simultaneously affect overground about 3 feet (1 meter) of objek.Terobosan this team helps the latest developments in the study of teleportation.
Earlier, a team of six engineers working at IBM proved that, at least in theory, the whole object teleportation is possible. It is important to note, however, that the original object must be destroyed in the process.

Source from here.

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