Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Global Warming, Mass Felt Abandoned

Sure, I feel the temperature of the last few years is really hot, hot and stuffy. Far different from 10-20 years ago when I was a kid and frequent (even daily) playing outside the house all day long without feeling the heat so oppressive. But now much different, out of the house for a moment the body has felt tired and sore from the heat. The term global warming is already so often I hear and read, and often neglected, and that time I did not notice. But my meeting with "old friends" who are now active in the field of environmental protection into the conversation that took us a little poking my curiosity about the so-called global warming or global warming. Casual chat that-even encouraged me surfing the internet to satisfy my curiosity about "global warming". Here's a link from wikipedia about global warming.
Casual chat and read and read my results from wikipedia about it made me realize how great and real danger that we will face in the future. Rising sea levels due to melting ice at the poles, climate instability, ecological disruption, global temperatures continue to rise and more ecosystem threats that may arise. Not to mention the impact of derivatives such as disease outbreaks and other skin cancers. In a simple (very simple), global warming occurs because the sun's heat trapped between the surface of the earth and the earth's atmosphere. The sun radiates light to the earth. After going through several filters, some sunlight is beneficial to escape and reach the earth's surface. This light is then utilized a variety of creatures living in the metabolism and growth of their activities. Some light is then converted into heat and partly transformed into another form. The heat is then up again to leave the earth's surface. However, due to the earth's atmosphere covered by a buildup of gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur and methane dioksidan then the heat is reflected back down so trapped in the earth's surface. This can lead to rising global temperatures and is referred to as global warming. So imagine we live between two layers (the Earth's surface and atmosphere) with thermal energy that continuously grow over time. If the old people first as we are termed as being "steamed" or "diungkep". This was coupled with the increasing number of the earth's surface that is able to absorb and utilize the sun's rays and heat. According to the FAO report any forests in Indonesia reduced + - 600 football fields every day.
Maybe some of us are not so concerned with what is and will happen. But what we will experience in the future depends on what we do now. And although the debate about "global warming" are still happening, in fact we felt the earth hotter every day.

Source from here.

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