Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Microalgae: Third Generation Renewable Energy

Indonesia, and even developed countries in all parts of the world, is currently experiencing an energy crisis, food and sanitation. further issue of global warming is also a frightening specter in our lives.
Whether we realize it or not, some researchers believe that the microalgae technology, the third source of mass disaster it would be solved by a small cell called microalgae (in our language is called micro-algae).
Microalgae have the potential as an energy-producing raw materials. No doubt that the growth of microalgae faster than some other plants that can produce oil, such as corn, soybeans, palm oil, and sunflower. Moreover microalgae do not need a lot of land and water for pertumubuhan. Furthermore, microalgae do not produce waste harmful to the environment so as not to affect the quality of water that has been used as growth.

Why is the third generation?
Microalgae are not touching the food aspect, although among some species can be used for food. Unlike corn, palm oil, coconut oil, and some other higher plants are still needed for human survival, microalgae do not enter the food aspect. And digadang gadang, microalgae can grow more masiv of higher plants, it requires less water and absorbing carbon dioxide in high enough quantities. Microalgae can also be grown in almost all places, can even make use of liquid industrial waste, such as Agro for survival.

One example of microalgae projects in palm oil waste PTPN VII, benefits include: to reduce levels of COD BOD (ygang compounds harmful to the environment) contained in the waste, can absorb tannin levels in the waste, and absorb nitrogen compounds, and some other compounds in waste, biomass menkonversinya be useful. That's why microalgae called amazing small factory, the first can be used as food stocks (one of which spirulina protein more than 50%), energy stocks (one of them who had higher levels of lipid chlorella 30%), and can be used for waste water so mentreatment wastewater will be released into the environment safer.

Biomass of microalgae can be processed into biofuels such as biodiesel derived products (way transesterification), bioethanol (by fermentation), biobuthanol, or SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) where oil is produced from microalgae directly used for diesel engines that have been modified.

Today, many companies have started microalgae-based emerging in some developed countries. One such company is a microalgae-based Algenol, the company produces biethanol of microalgae which recently worked with Dow Chemical to create a petroleum project of microalgae in Texas USA. Other companies are also known for microalgae-based energy is Solazyme, a horrendous world of its jet fuel made ​​from microalgae biomass.

Greatest Challenge

Microalgae for energy is assured when used as raw materials in the energy industry in the future. But there is no doubt also that the technology is still an early stage in this millennium. One of the biggest challenges in managing the production of microalgae for energy is on dowenstream processing, at the end of the treatment, which convert biomass into energy like biodiesel, and bioethanol.

The biggest cost in the production of it is in the process of harvesting microalgae, because almost 90% of microalgae contain water and thus require a fairly expensive technology to separate water and microalgae are mostly in the range of 5-10 microns in size. Solazyme also agrees that this opinion. In their website, Solazyme still trouble in processing microalgae separation of the medium in order to lower operating costs, as low as possible.

How Developments in Indonesia?
Indonesia continues to develop microalgae technology through research and technology ministry, the ministry of Energy, LIPI, and universities in Indonesia. TS never attended a symposium at LIPI biomass for energy, and technological developments could ask one of microalgae to top brass, and the answer is in the development of microalgae-based selection spesies2 potential energy developed in Indonesia.

  1. From the university, one of which is UNDIP Semarang are aggressively researching microalgae-based lipid that began early last year through C-Biore research center (Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy). 
  2. Consortium Maris (Indonesia Aquatic global sustainable biomass for Energy) is holding PTPN VII float, Maris Netherland Project, UNDIP, leuven Belgium Catholic University, and Wirana, who developed microalgae in liquid waste palm oil industry. 
  3. One of the microalgae-industries that are writhing in Indonesia is Neoalgae which is a pure native Indonesia and established entrepreneurs using technology native Indonesia located in Solo. Today the company is currently in the project phase Microalgae Spirulina platensis in kekutsertaannya to meet Indonesia's food security. Spirulina is a microalgae species containing more than 50% protein, beta carotene, antioxidants and some vitamins. Price Range Spirulina in Indonesia between Rp.400.000-600.000/kilogram food grade standard. TS had met with the CEO and those currently in development towards microalgae industry in Indonesia. September of this year they will build a plant in Indonesia spirulina platensis 2-3 ton / month, and within a few years it is possible to produce biodiesel / bioethanol, an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, from microalgae.

Microalgae Technology developments are interesting to follow, given the application a very large and wide, not only in energy, but also food security, and fine chemical. We wait for positive information.

"every cell microalgae are small reactor that produces food, energy, and high-value products by absorbing carbon dioxide, nutrients, and sunlight through the process of photosynthesis"

Source from here.

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