Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Gravity Works

What is Gravity?

Solar Gravity resulted celestial objects are in each orbit around the sun in a gravity force of attraction that occurs between all particles have mass in the universe.
Modern physics describes gravitation using Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, but Newton's law of universal gravitation is a simpler approximation is quite accurate in most cases.
For example, the earth has a huge mass produce very large gravitational force to pull in surrounding objects, including living creatures, and objects on earth. The force of gravity is also interesting objects that exist in space, like the moon, meteors, and other celestial bodies, including the man-made satellite.

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer and chemist who came from England. He also scientists largest and most influential in the world who ever lived, was born in Woolsthrope, England, right on Christmas day in 1642, the year coinciding with the death of Galileo. Like the Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father died he was followers of the heliocentric and scientists who are highly influential throughout history, even regarded as the father of modern physics.

Newton's Theory of Gravity
In the 1600s, Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree, then an apple fell on his head, and he began to wonder why the apple falls to the ground attracted. Newton then publishes Theory of Universal Gravity in the 1680s. Basically ditetapkankannya idea is that gravity is a force that can be predicted that works on all matter contained in the universe, and is a function of mass and distance. This theory states that each particle of a material particle will attract each other (eg, particles of the "Earth" will attract particles of "you") with a force that is directly proportional to the amount of their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Thus, the further apart the particles, and / or the smaller the mass of the particles, then the gravitational force will be smaller, and vice versa.

Newton's law of universal gravitation is formulated as follows:
Every other point mass of mass appealing style in line with the line connecting the two points. Great force is proportional to the multiplication of two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two point masses.
  • F is the force of gravity between two masses that point
  • G is the gravitational constant
  •  m1 is the mass of the first point
  •  m2 is the mass of the second point
  •  r is the distance between the two point masses, and
  •  g is the acceleration due to gravity = G \ frac {m_2} {r ^ 2}

In the International System, F is measured in newtons (N), m1 and m2 in kilograms (kg), r in meters (m), and the constant G is approximately equal to 6.67 × 10? 11 N m2 kg? 2.
This equation can be derived from the equation to calculate the weight. Weight of a body is the product of the mass of the object by gravity. The equation can be written as follows: W = mg. W is the weight of the object force, m is mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Acceleration of gravity varies from place to place.

Albert Einsten

Albert Einstein was arguably the most famous scientist in the 20th century. Einstein was a theoretical physicist who is widely regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Discovery of the theory of relativity that the future of human misused for nuclear weapons development. Einstein also greatly contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and cosmology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his discovery of the photoelectric effect and "for his services to Theoretical Physics". Having formulated the theory of general relativity, Einstein became world famous, an unusual achievement for a scientist. Einstein popularity surpassed the popularity of all the scientists in history and Einstein until now a symbol of genius. His face is one of the most recognized in the world until 1999, times magazine named Einstein as a hero of the 20th century.

Einstein's Theory of Gravity
Albert Einstein, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921, contributing to an alternative theory of gravity in the early 1900's. This theory is part of the theory of general relativity are very famous, and offers a very different explanation of Newton's Law of Universal Gravity. Einstein did not believe that gravity is a force, he said that gravity is a distortion in the form of space and time, otherwise known as the "fourth dimension". Basic law of physics states that if there is no external force that works, an object will always walk in a straight line. Thus, no external force, the two objects are running in parallel will always remain parallel and will never meet. But the fact is they finally met, too. The particles start running on a parallel track will sometimes end up colliding.

Newton's theory says this can happen due to gravity, gravity will pull the objects to each other or to a third single object. Einstein also said this happens because of gravity, but in theory, gravity is not a force but a curve in space-time. According to Einstein, things are still moving along a straight line, but due to the distortion of space and time, a straight line is now transformed into a curved line. So two objects initially moving along a flat, now move along the curved field. And two straight lines will expire in one titik.Teori Newton said this could happen due to gravity, gravity will pull the objects to each other or to a third single object. Einstein also said this happens because of gravity, but in theory, gravity is not a force but a curve in space-time. According to Einstein, things are still moving along a straight line, but due to the distortion of space and time, a straight line is now transformed into a curved line. So two objects initially moving along a flat, now move along the curved field. And two straight lines will end at one point.

What Happens If No Gravity in the Universe?
According to James Overduin, a physicist at Towson University in Maryland who specializes in gravity, a universe without gravity would be completely flat and formless. Overduin explained gravity is just another term to describe the curvature of space-time, or how steep and shallow universe at that particular spot.

What Happens If No Gravity in the Universe
We face will surely swell. Under normal circumstances the force of gravity on the body fluids push us toward the feet. Without gravity, all body fluids will be collected to the head and face causing swelling. Instead our feet would shrink to be very small.
In addition, because there is no pressure on the bones and joints, our bodies will be 2-5 cm higher. Actually, the weight of an object is the magnitude of the gravitational attraction of the earth on the object. So if there is no gravity, the scales will always show the number 0 even though there are items placed on it.

Why are people on the other side of the earth does not fall?

Every object in the universe attract each other with a force (gravity) that is proportional to mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between objects. Because the earth is so big and attract our attention (no matter where we stand) with a force strong enough to keep us from falling. Read on for a more detailed explanation.
  • Fact 1. Mass is a measure of how much matter in an object. On Earth, mass and weight are effectively the same thing
  • Fact 2. Mass2 earth is about: 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg or lb 13,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  • Fact 3. Gravity is an attractive force between two objects in the universe. Attractive force of two objects is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Below, the gravitational attraction at the picture right because they are larger and closer together.
Gravity pulls act between the centers of two objects. In the case of the person standing on the Earth's surface, the effect of gravity is to pull us towards the center of the earth. As a result, no matter where you stand on Earth, you will not fall.

Source from here.

Team Behind the Scribble Logo Google

Artistic graffiti or doodle that replaces the Google logo seen by hundreds of millions of people. But, who is the brain behind it?

Pac-Man games, the Olympics, or to commemorate author of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain just a few of the many graffiti that used Google on their main page.

Beginning in 1998 with a stick figure drawing behind the letter "o" to indicate that the team is out of the office, now it has grown to scribble designs are unique and artistic representations of people and famous events.

There are now more than 1,000 graffiti. They display events or famous people and the less well-known, they also commemorate important days and the days become increasingly interactive.

How else would hundreds of millions of people reminded birthday-115 Amelia Earhart or that Gideon was the inventor of the zipper Sundback? On the anniversary Snndback that the 132, I put a giant zipper on their main page.

Some graffiti was made in just a few hours, while others such as Freddie Mercury takes months. Everything was created by a group of artists who sits in a small office in California.

The leader of the creative team, Ryan Germick, said he did not care that his work seen by so many people.

"The human brain is not designed to understand how hundreds of millions of people interpret things. For me, the important thing is to make my colleagues laugh, or learn new techniques. If that is achieved, then I've done my job."

"We make sure that we represent the arts and technology as well as possible."

Kris Hom, a new engineer joined the team Germick, said the thing that impressed him was praise from his mother.

Spike to commemorate the 138th anniversary of the British archaeologist Howard Carter.

The decision as to what will be displayed is the "democratic process" and more emphasis on the element of surprise.

Input from the community as well as the ideas of the Google offices in other countries play an important role. Many graffiti created with the digital image, but also conventional tools. Jennifer Hom artist Gustav Klimt redrawing years using fake gold leaf and oil paint on canvas.

Unique facts behind streaks creating a "casual chat", says branding consultant Lisa Downey Merriam of Merriam Associates.

"Graffiti is fun, interesting, funny, and mischievous, most of them irrelevant and sometimes shocking, all describe the personality of Google."

And as long as the company remains dominant, sketches and scribbles that, regardless of whether you see it as art, design, entertainment, or branding efforts, will be an integral part of the activities of daily internet use.

Source from here.

Winter in the Desert

                      Trees Can Survive Employee Field Stop Work Day Labor Day and Back

Generally people in the homeland Indonesia just knowing the climate and weather in the desert is very hot. Not too wrong if you actually around August. In fact, when winter temperatures in the desert can reach 0 Deg Celsius. Especially in the high mountains, would be lower once. In the Middle East and the Sahara, North Africa also have high mountains such as mountains Heejaz that stretches along the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia north to Medina, which stretches to the mountains of Lebanon and Jordan Atlas mountains in Western Sahara and across Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

The area is flat and barren desert is very hot at all now because summer is the peak month of August. Temperatures can reach 50 Deg C or half of the boiling point of water. Something about a chicken egg if it will be stockpiled sand menjad undercooked eggs. Only animals camels are still the relaxed way in the middle of a desert road. Other animals such as horses, had first dead heat. Another smaller animals such as goats and sheep are not seen at all during the summer. Perhaps it is cooked so Kebab by their owners before the summer comes.
                                                       Only Onta Just Can Survive

Global Warming, Mass Felt Abandoned

Sure, I feel the temperature of the last few years is really hot, hot and stuffy. Far different from 10-20 years ago when I was a kid and frequent (even daily) playing outside the house all day long without feeling the heat so oppressive. But now much different, out of the house for a moment the body has felt tired and sore from the heat. The term global warming is already so often I hear and read, and often neglected, and that time I did not notice. But my meeting with "old friends" who are now active in the field of environmental protection into the conversation that took us a little poking my curiosity about the so-called global warming or global warming. Casual chat that-even encouraged me surfing the internet to satisfy my curiosity about "global warming". Here's a link from wikipedia about global warming.
Casual chat and read and read my results from wikipedia about it made me realize how great and real danger that we will face in the future. Rising sea levels due to melting ice at the poles, climate instability, ecological disruption, global temperatures continue to rise and more ecosystem threats that may arise. Not to mention the impact of derivatives such as disease outbreaks and other skin cancers. In a simple (very simple), global warming occurs because the sun's heat trapped between the surface of the earth and the earth's atmosphere. The sun radiates light to the earth. After going through several filters, some sunlight is beneficial to escape and reach the earth's surface. This light is then utilized a variety of creatures living in the metabolism and growth of their activities. Some light is then converted into heat and partly transformed into another form. The heat is then up again to leave the earth's surface. However, due to the earth's atmosphere covered by a buildup of gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur and methane dioksidan then the heat is reflected back down so trapped in the earth's surface. This can lead to rising global temperatures and is referred to as global warming. So imagine we live between two layers (the Earth's surface and atmosphere) with thermal energy that continuously grow over time. If the old people first as we are termed as being "steamed" or "diungkep". This was coupled with the increasing number of the earth's surface that is able to absorb and utilize the sun's rays and heat. According to the FAO report any forests in Indonesia reduced + - 600 football fields every day.
Maybe some of us are not so concerned with what is and will happen. But what we will experience in the future depends on what we do now. And although the debate about "global warming" are still happening, in fact we felt the earth hotter every day.

Source from here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

History and Development SNIPER around the World


Since the discovery of guns, snipers have played a major role in various historical wars. But the sniper action first recorded history by the greatest artist of all time named Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), and he creates a very accurate rifle for the period and used in the war Siege of Florence (1498) for the troops opened fire on the officers
The Holy Roman Empire who were besieging the city of Florence, Italy. It is said that the rifle is capable of firing accurately to within 200 meters, distances are very unusual for the time.

War France - Austria (1796-1797)
When the powerful French forces led by General Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Austria, their forward movement is hampered by a strange Austrian sniper units were armed only with rifles. Number of casualties and the difficulty of detecting the presence of the French army snipers Austria made Napoleon was furious and issued an order Austria officially that every soldier who was caught with a pellet gun, directly executed in place, because they are regarded as a cowardly murderer is not a soldier. This is not hearing this burst of rifle from a distance of 150 m. . Sniper rifle is made by a weapons expert named Bartholomew Girandoni Austria and has magasen rifle containing 20 rounds of lead caliber 13 millimeters. Fact for today's standard weapons, sniper rifles made in the 18th century is still scary.

American War of Independence (1776-1783)
October 7, 1777 In the war of American independence, General Simon Fraser of the British Empire forces shot dead at Bemis Heights, New York (Battle of Saratoga) from a distance of 500 yards by a sniper named Tim Murphy of unity Kentucky Riflemen. Tim Murphy uses locok Kentucky Long Rifle Rifle .40 caliber (10 mm). As a result of the death of General Simon Fraser, British forces halted the advance that resulted in the defeat of England in fighting the British forces at Saratoga Saratoga.Kekalahan this is the beginning of their defeat in the war of American independence.

Trafalgar naval battle (1805)
In October 1805 the combined fleets of France and Spain Royal Navy left the port of Cadiz harbor, near Trafalgar peninsula they were ambushed by the Royal Navy fleet led by Admiral Horatio Nelson. In the middle of this battle was Admiral Nelson led from flag ship HMS Victory.tiba suddenly fell shot by a French sniper perched ditiang screen warships Redoubtable who was fighting at close range with HMS Victory.Sniper French Admiral Nelson was shot using only locok rifle from a distance of 75 meters only. Although the battle was won by the British Trafalgar, Admiral
Nelson died of his injuries were so severe

American Civil War (1861-1865)
May 9, 1864 The American Civil War Major General John Sedgwick of the northern army, was shot dead by Sergeant Grace of unity IV Infantry Georgia from within 800 yards in Spotsylvania using British-made rifle Withworth game. Death of General J. Sedgwick resulted in delayed progression of the Northern troops led to the victory of the Confederates Southern leader General Robert E.Lee.

Boer War (1899-1902)
In a dawn raid on January 25, 1900 1,700 British soldiers who supported the cannon and machine gun was successful occupied one hill on the mountain Spion Kop, South Africa. When the morning light illuminates the terrain, they realized that they had occupied the wrong hill. Correct hill located higher and are within 300 m of their position, unfortunately the hill is still occupied by the forces of unity Carolina Boer Kommandos & Pretoria Kommandos who began shooting at them (the origin of the name is taken from army commandos Boer). That night the British troops were forced to retreat with the loss of 1,200 people. The Kommandos sniper armed with Mauser M1895 bolt action 7 mm caliber which can only be fired once per cock, British soldiers kill from a distance of 300 meters (without using a telescope).

Learning from their defeat at Spion Kop, South Africa, Major Hesketh Pritchard of the British Empire AD begin sniper training course first
the world to be named: "The First Army School of Sniping, Observing and Scouting". Unfortunately AD British Empire did not use it well and did not have a doctrine, organization & special weapon for the snipernya until one day they were made aware by the German sniper.

The term "Sniper" for the first time used as the official military term for the German Army sniper. Creator sniper unit qualification standards, doctrine and organization as we know it today is
German imperial army before World War 1. Germany also that for the first time created specifically for sniper rifles, even they also make special bullets for the gun. Special sniper rifle is based on the Mauser Gewehr 1898 (Gew.98) mm 7.92 mm caliber in "tune up" to very precise shots and fitted with telescope sight.

World War I (1914-1918)
The high casualties of British soldiers killed by head or chest injuries, made ​​aware of the presence of British Army snipers Germany; it forced them to look for reason and act quickly to address this problem. Lord Lovat, a Scottish nobleman UK Army officers also immediately formed Lovat Scout's Sniper regiment and they were the first to use Ghillie Suit (clothing used sniper so they look like bushes) in perang.Ghillie Suit first used by the Scottish rangers on duty caught the thieves and poachers of endangered species are protected in nature reserves Scottish government. the Scout Sniper is very adept at camouflage and very good in stalking the movements of enemy troops, sadly underused skills by shooting them

Record the highest sniper in World War I
held by Francis Pegahmagabow of the Canadian Army who managed to kill 378 enemy soldiers. It uses the Ross rifle
Mk.3 .303 caliber (7.7 mm) and Rifle 3
Mk. I caliber 7.7 mm.

Billy Sing (Australia)
Before World War 1, William Edward (Billy) Sing is a champion hunting kangaroo from Clermont, Queensland, Australia and in May 1914 he was one of the soldiers Light Horse Regiment, 5th Australian who arrived in Gallipoli, Egypt, the largest battle between the Allies with Turkish forces during World War 1. Billy and Ion "Jack" Idriess the observer occupies a small hill called Post Chatam, mailed Billy is a career as a top sniper built.

They both prepare all their needs before dawn and never leave their post until sunset. Thus, during the day there was no one visible gerakanpun the post and beyond. Here, Billy and Jack patiently motionless silence, until the Turks were careless. Every day Turkipun casualties falling and this makes them scared because the shots sniper Australia TSB. never known. Rekor Billy the highest daily reach 9 people in 1 day.
Turkish forces did not remain silent and immediately send snipernya dubbed top "Abdul the Terrible" (Abdul terrible) by Australian troops. Abdul a professional sniper who had received Turkish Army service medal directly from the Sultan of Turkey because of his performance. Like a professional forensic expert, Abdul studied very carefully wound on each the dead, examined the bullet angle, interviewing witnesses and reconstructing the incident when the victim died. From his research he came to the conclusion that the enemy sniper fire was coming from the hill Post Chatam. Just as the by Billy, Abdul secretly hidden immediately make a special post to oversee the hill alone. regardless lucrative targets passing in front of him. One day Private First Class Tom Sheehan (Billy observers at the time) were observed with the telescope Turkish army camps, suddenly "Dar" he was shot and Abdul bullet entered right from the tip telescopenya, out of the base, continue to penetrate both hands, then entered the mouth Tom and out of his left cheek and then dug right dibahu Billy. Due to the severe wound Tom Sheehan immediately sent back to Australia, he was unlucky not to put the telescope to his eye, while Billy had to rest for 1 week. Billy realized the great opponents have found persembunyiannya.Begitu heal soon heading back to Chatham; many days he just sits and observers monitoring the Turkish forces to seek the Abdul. One day at dawn begins to shine, the observer whispered "no target"; Billy who immediately took the telescope was, was surprised when he finds himself right and see the face of Abdul gunpoint. Billy soon take his rifle and took aim, Abdul was at the same time aimed the rifle, "Dar" Billy shoot faster and the bullet lodged right between his eyes Abdul. Both top national sniper mistakes the same, ie "do not move after firing". Abdul is a professional sniper who has prepared everything; Abdul died not long after, Turkey immediately fired a cannon to Post Chatam, unfortunately bullet The first fell to blow up an upfront spot hidden Billy. Billy and the observer was running as fast as fast as the second bullet blew up his post.

Billy uses rifle Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) No.1 Mark III British-made .303 caliber (7.7 mm) and Abdul use Gewehr 1898 Mauser rifle caliber 7.92 mm. At the end of the war, the official record of Billy Sing recognized AD Australia: 150 people enemies (201 people Billy notes). Unfortunately there is not the slightest record of Abdul.

Alvin C. York (USA)
In the attack by Allied jungle Argonne-Meuse, Belgium 1918; advance to the 82 American Division stopped by a large German machine gun nest. Aware that forces will not be able to stem their advance with a frontal invasion, platoon, Corporal Alvin C.York decided to move rebound and finish stronghold German fortifications from behind. The movement was known German platoon who opened fire on them until all members of the platoon were injured or killed (kecual Alvin York itself).
Alone he continues to fight against the Germans and by the end of the battle he managed to kill 25 people opponents, silencing 35 machine gun bunker and charming 132 German soldiers. Alvin York used Springfield 1903 rifles 30.06 (7.62 mm) and Government Model 1911 pistol caliber .45

2 man sniper team tactics first adopted by AB Soviet Union (Russia). Later this tactic proved to be more effective than one person sniper tactics, which was then used by most other developed negara2.
In the organization of the Russian army, sniper unit is an integral part of their infantry tactics and sniper units were considerable freedom to implement its own initiative itself. In World War 2 per day unit platoon and company-level Russian snipers operate in large numbers.

World War II was a war of the most widely-produced record sniper spectacular record that can not be solved again in the present. Of the top 54 World War II snipers in recorded history, 49 of them shoot more than 100 people enemy soldiers and 6 of them are women. There are many top sniper from different countries never recorded in the history of World War II, due to the activities of the snipers generally included in the category of military secrets (except when for the sake of propaganda), compounded by the number of documents missing, destroyed by war and corrupt eaten For decades old history lovers military and weapons enthusiasts take pains to collect and re-verify the documents, data, and stories about
the top snipers.

Register snipers world
Although Finnish sniper holds the world record, a list of top snipers of World War II was dominated by Russian snipers. this is evidence that the training, organization, tactics and strategies for the Russian sniper is more advanced than other countries at that time. Sniper and sniper action of the famous (and not just the highest record) in this war include the following :

Simo Häyhä (Finland)
Record the highest sniper in World War II was held by Simo Häyhä of Finnish Army soldiers managed to kill 542 Russians. The most amazing, Simo Häyhä fought only with a rifle, bolt action Mosin-Nagant M39 7.62 mm caliber Russian made without a telescope and sometimes he had to shoot enemies from a distance of over 600 yards. Simo was a shooting champion who has a lot of collection of medals and trophies won from various game. Simo Häyhä died on 1 April 2002 ago at the age of 96 years.

Sulo Kolkka (Finland)
"It sniper" (long-distance shot with Mosin-Nagant M39) Sulo Kolkka managed to shoot more than 400 Russian soldiers; but beyond this amount it is also eliminating 200 enemy soldiers again using the submachine gun (military terms: gun machine gun) Finnish 9 mm Parabellum caliber M/1931 artificial The famous Finnish accurate. To 600 Russian soldiers were all dihabisinya within 105 days. While on duty as a sniper, Sulo Kolkka have "hobby" to operate as far behind the defensive line troops enemy: this is very frightening and frustrating the Russians who had thought they were safe behind underlined. consequences of "mischief", the Sulo often hunted by soldiers and snipers Russia, but at the end of each hunt is he who always finish his hunters. In a pursuit operation, Sulo a sniper duel with Russian for a few days and managed to finish with a single shot from a distance of 550 m without a telescope with only a rifle bolt action Mosin-Nagant
M/39 without a telescope.

Finland is known as a storehouse expert snipers in camouflage and shot while gliding ski. Throughout the war the famous Finnish-Russian as the Winter War, the Russians lost 1,000,000 of 1,500,000 man army troops invaded Finland, while the Finnish lost 25,000 people (1: 40). In a battle of winter, 32 Finnish soldiers assigned to withstand invasion 4000 Russian soldiers (1:125) with the end of the shoot run tactics 4,000 people fighting the entire army Russian was killed and only 4 soldiers Finland was left alive. They managed to maintain a line of defense them. To commemorate the heroism of the soldiers Finland in the Winter War, every year Finland held a match shoot biathlon is now included in the one sport contested Winter Olympic in the world. Here the shooter must shoot the target 5 pieces separate with .22-caliber rifles and use the ski to glide position to run next shot. Sniper unidentified Dutch On May 14, 1940 General Kurt Student, commander of the troops of the German Air Force was future inspections kegaris seriously injured by a single shot of a Marine sniper Maintain Dutch city of Rotterdam from a distance of 800 yards. Dutch snipers using rifles 6.5 mm caliber Mannlicher Model 1895. As a result of the shooting of General Kurt Student, Hitler ordered the bombers AU Germany to flatten the city of Rotterdam with "Carpet bombing".

Vasily Zaitsev (Russian)
Duel sniper sniper opponent's most famous the world is a duel between Master Sergeant Vasily
Gregorievich Zaitsev (400 victims) with Major Koenig of Germany. But when the novel "War of the Rats" by
David L.Robbins launched (1999), there is a who claimed the family of Koenig telephoned David and Erwin Koenig admitted that the 400 people have managed to shoot Russian soldiers indeed fall shot by Vasily Zaitsev in Stalingrad. The extent to which the truth of it? God only knows, because in battle Stalingrad hundreds of snipers from both sides involved there.

The German sniper using a rifle bolt action Mauser Kar. 98 caliber 7.92 mm bertelescope with 1.5 X magnification, 4X or 6X or semi-automatic rifle Walther Gewehr 43 caliber 7.92 mm bertelescope with 4X magnification.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Russia)

In June 1941, when Germany invaded Russian Lyudmila Pavlichenko (24 years) is Kiev University student majoring in history. While in college, this beautiful girl working part time in the arms factory in the city; besides that he also member of a gun club Kiev membinanya being an athlete shooting since the age of 14 years. When he enrolled himself to be soldiers, recruitment officer who receives immediately laughed at and rejected; then he advised him to Lyudmila a nurse only. Lyudmila unyielding soon shot and showed certificate Infantry Division received 25. He then be one of the 2,000 people sniper woman Russia, which at the end of the war the only remaining 500 people. Lyudmila fought for 2 ½ months in front Odessa and difront he managed to kill 187 the enemy. From here the division moved kefront Sevastopol, Crimea peninsula.
Month of May 1942 Lieutenant Lyudmila record Pavlichenko grown to 257 people and in June 1942 he was wounded by an explosion mortar. Since he has become a hero Nationally, less than a month after he left
Lyudmila hospital pulled from field combat. When it officially has achieved record 309 people, including a 6 man sniper Germany. Interestingly, one of the sniper Germany's Lyudmila find a log book showed that he had shot 500 Russian soldiers. It was never recorded German soldiers in the document and unfortunately log book is missing so the name sniper was never known. As well as Vasily Zaitsev, a hero lady Lyudmila heavily utilized by Russian propaganda team sent to Canada and the United States. Lyudmila is the first Russian citizen received by the President of the United States. Mrs. Ny State. Eleanor Roosevelt invited for a tour around the United States to tell heroic story. In Canada he got the prize rifle Winchester bertelescope which now adorn Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces Moscow and he was rewarded by the American Colt Government 1911 .45 caliber.

Year 1943 he received a Gold Star Hero of the Soviet Union and never come back again kefront; yet appointed a sniper instructor where he has successfully trained hundreds of people sniper. When the war ended he held the rank of Major and returned to the University of Kiev to complete college, then he became Research Assistant at the Headquarters of the Soviet Navy until in 1953.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko died on 10
October 1974 at the age of 58 years and
Heroes cemetery burial
Novodevichiye, Moscow.

Sniper Jepang

We have often read in the history of the Pacific war, and look at war movies such as Wind Talker and Thin Red Line that in every field, the advance of thousands of American armed forces are always hampered by some Japanese sniper course. Although no official records of the sniper-sniper Japan, U.S. forces sniper who recorded them as adept at camouflage, resilient, ingenious and fanatics.

They wear a special helmet that was given wire- wire to attach the leaves, they also use green netting veils to cover the shoulders and head so their faces an invisible light skinned (green netting has now become one of the standard camouflage gear sniper various countries). One of the favorite tactics of Japanese sniper is hiding in the tree, for that they wear "Ninja" which has a separate thumb place, in order to facilitate their climb trees (shoe can be seen in the Museum Satrya Mandala). To overcome this disorder Japanese snipers, American troops bombarded every tree that is suspected as a hidden sniper with machine guns and even anti-tank with 37 mm cannons were loaded blast.

The Japanese use a sniper rifle sniper
Meiji Arisaka Type 97 6.5 mm caliber then replaced by Type 99 7.7 mm caliber.
This rifle has a monopod (single leg) that can be folded and telescope with 4X magnification (many Japanese sniper who did not receive telescope for their rifles.

Source from here.

Microalgae: Third Generation Renewable Energy

Indonesia, and even developed countries in all parts of the world, is currently experiencing an energy crisis, food and sanitation. further issue of global warming is also a frightening specter in our lives.
Whether we realize it or not, some researchers believe that the microalgae technology, the third source of mass disaster it would be solved by a small cell called microalgae (in our language is called micro-algae).
Microalgae have the potential as an energy-producing raw materials. No doubt that the growth of microalgae faster than some other plants that can produce oil, such as corn, soybeans, palm oil, and sunflower. Moreover microalgae do not need a lot of land and water for pertumubuhan. Furthermore, microalgae do not produce waste harmful to the environment so as not to affect the quality of water that has been used as growth.

Why is the third generation?
Microalgae are not touching the food aspect, although among some species can be used for food. Unlike corn, palm oil, coconut oil, and some other higher plants are still needed for human survival, microalgae do not enter the food aspect. And digadang gadang, microalgae can grow more masiv of higher plants, it requires less water and absorbing carbon dioxide in high enough quantities. Microalgae can also be grown in almost all places, can even make use of liquid industrial waste, such as Agro for survival.

One example of microalgae projects in palm oil waste PTPN VII, benefits include: to reduce levels of COD BOD (ygang compounds harmful to the environment) contained in the waste, can absorb tannin levels in the waste, and absorb nitrogen compounds, and some other compounds in waste, biomass menkonversinya be useful. That's why microalgae called amazing small factory, the first can be used as food stocks (one of which spirulina protein more than 50%), energy stocks (one of them who had higher levels of lipid chlorella 30%), and can be used for waste water so mentreatment wastewater will be released into the environment safer.

Biomass of microalgae can be processed into biofuels such as biodiesel derived products (way transesterification), bioethanol (by fermentation), biobuthanol, or SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) where oil is produced from microalgae directly used for diesel engines that have been modified.

Today, many companies have started microalgae-based emerging in some developed countries. One such company is a microalgae-based Algenol, the company produces biethanol of microalgae which recently worked with Dow Chemical to create a petroleum project of microalgae in Texas USA. Other companies are also known for microalgae-based energy is Solazyme, a horrendous world of its jet fuel made ​​from microalgae biomass.

Greatest Challenge

Microalgae for energy is assured when used as raw materials in the energy industry in the future. But there is no doubt also that the technology is still an early stage in this millennium. One of the biggest challenges in managing the production of microalgae for energy is on dowenstream processing, at the end of the treatment, which convert biomass into energy like biodiesel, and bioethanol.

The biggest cost in the production of it is in the process of harvesting microalgae, because almost 90% of microalgae contain water and thus require a fairly expensive technology to separate water and microalgae are mostly in the range of 5-10 microns in size. Solazyme also agrees that this opinion. In their website, Solazyme still trouble in processing microalgae separation of the medium in order to lower operating costs, as low as possible.

How Developments in Indonesia?
Indonesia continues to develop microalgae technology through research and technology ministry, the ministry of Energy, LIPI, and universities in Indonesia. TS never attended a symposium at LIPI biomass for energy, and technological developments could ask one of microalgae to top brass, and the answer is in the development of microalgae-based selection spesies2 potential energy developed in Indonesia.

  1. From the university, one of which is UNDIP Semarang are aggressively researching microalgae-based lipid that began early last year through C-Biore research center (Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy). 
  2. Consortium Maris (Indonesia Aquatic global sustainable biomass for Energy) is holding PTPN VII float, Maris Netherland Project, UNDIP, leuven Belgium Catholic University, and Wirana, who developed microalgae in liquid waste palm oil industry. 
  3. One of the microalgae-industries that are writhing in Indonesia is Neoalgae which is a pure native Indonesia and established entrepreneurs using technology native Indonesia located in Solo. Today the company is currently in the project phase Microalgae Spirulina platensis in kekutsertaannya to meet Indonesia's food security. Spirulina is a microalgae species containing more than 50% protein, beta carotene, antioxidants and some vitamins. Price Range Spirulina in Indonesia between Rp.400.000-600.000/kilogram food grade standard. TS had met with the CEO and those currently in development towards microalgae industry in Indonesia. September of this year they will build a plant in Indonesia spirulina platensis 2-3 ton / month, and within a few years it is possible to produce biodiesel / bioethanol, an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, from microalgae.

Microalgae Technology developments are interesting to follow, given the application a very large and wide, not only in energy, but also food security, and fine chemical. We wait for positive information.

"every cell microalgae are small reactor that produces food, energy, and high-value products by absorbing carbon dioxide, nutrients, and sunlight through the process of photosynthesis"

Source from here.

Quantum Physics?

In the world of physics in general, there are two views of the Physics Classical and Quantum Physics. Classical physics or often called Newtonian begin his observation of solid objects that "could see everyday," as its fall apples, to the movement of planets. Mechanisms of legal certainty "billiard ball" that was adopted into the workings of industrial machinery that has been in force for several hundred years it managed to deliver the industrial revolution.

But in the late 19th century when scientists began making equipment to invest in gas atom objects are very small, they found something puzzling in which Newton's physics is no longer able to explain or predict what they found in the laboratory. Since then, up to a period of a hundred years, a new scientific explanation from birth to explain the behavior of atomic objects that can not be seen by us. And scientific research is revealing the reality of his world there are really new known as quantum mechanics, quantum physics or quantum theory

New physics is not present to shift science Newtonian physics are still running good at describing objects large enough and the "look". Quantum physics actually deliberately enter to explore areas of material is very small and no longer in grasping the "eye" Newtonian physics of sub-atomic world is so small.

[Sub-quantum world is found the first time when the science of Newtonian physics can not explain what they found in the laboratory and scientists were able to conclude it with what happened, well since it's in a 100-year kurum discover clarity on the quantum laws, nah for Quantum Law itself is an element that is not visible but can be felt or not can be seen with the eye or eye tool, it is different from the atom, the atom of an element that most small and can not be divided anymore but still can be viewed.]

Experts quantum physics (quantum physics), which is popular among them is Albert Einstein and several other names such as Richar Feynan, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, David Bohm, Erwin Schrodinger, by Fred Alan Wolf, Amit Goswami, David Albert, and many again. Quantum scientists examined what exactly happens when an object on the sides continuously until the level of the material is very small. And materials at the sides with a continuous breaking up atomic particle accelerator invisible until turned into the finest energy

From various research, quantum physics such as the present brings new news: the world's finest energy is an "invisible" law of its form that is different to the world of things that "look" that the laws of quantum fisikia unique and somewhat "difficult to believe" of which :

1. At the quantum level there really is not a solid object all objects in the world was made on the basis of "Empty Space"
2. The behavior of particles fluctuations of the solid into vibration vibration and vice versa depending on the "intent" of researchers
3. Her prevailing legal uncertainty and to
4. Non-locality Law which states that the smallest element of all the objects that actually exist here and everywhere at once.

Composition Elements Of A Small To Large:

1) Objects: Solids is a collection of molecules
2) Molecules: Molecules derived from all the atoms and particles
3) Atoms: The contents of a molecule and Objects
4) Particles: Sub-Atomic very little that comes from an energy
5) Quantum: Quantum Vibrations unseen
6) Vibration Energy: An energy consisting of vibration.

[Everything in the universe is part of a remarkable quantum energy. All people, all animals, all plants, all the planets, and all microorganisms, no matter how big or small it is made ​​of energy. All objects are seen around agan agan such as houses, cars, televisions, etc., is actually just a kuantumyang energy created by his mind.
For, if all this stuff in the investigation of the near nuclear microscope, for example, it seems clear that they are not is solid at all, but rather consists of cavities containing vibrational quantum energy that moves so fast that "looks" solid by our visual sense and "feels" solid by our sense of touch.]

Well how do we with the quantum of knowledge.? Interesting is not to be learned never to discuss further we see the usefulness of quantum to our daily lives.

1. Communication

With cell phones, e-mails and SMS, you probably think of instant communication happens just like that. In fact, your voice, e-mail and text all use a little time to achieve their goals. In the distant future, though, people may need to communicate across the galaxy than the continent. But maybe there is hope for their future, in this case some scientists think that quantum mechanics may hold the key to making a really instant communication, regardless of the distance.
Einstein called spooky action at the distance "spooky action at a distance." When two particles are entangled, any change to one of the particles created in particle changes instantaneously, regardless of the distance separating them.

2. Termometer

If you take the thermometer out of your medicine cabinet and try to measure the temperature is less than a hundredth of a degree above absolute zero, it may not be. Fortunately, researchers from Yale have developed a thermometer capable of measuring not only extreme temperatures like that, but do so with unparalleled accuracy.
To build a thermometer, a team must completely restructure the design of the thermometer. In their search for a more accurate thermometer, the scientists found what they are looking for in quantum tunneling.

3. Laser

Laser is the core of everything from DVD players to destroy the missile-defense system, but without an understanding of quantum mechanics, scientists probably will not have the laser at all.
Laser works by pulling the electrons orbiting atoms, which then emit photons as they return to lower energy levels. Emitted photons emitted later cause other atoms to release photons of the same energy and direction, creating a stream of photons we see as a laser beam.

4. Generator Scrambler

Believe it or not, scientists are scrambling numbers really random with the help of quantum mechanics. Why are scientists looking for the quantum world with a random number when they could only roll a pair of dice? It turns out that the true randomness occurs only at the quantum level. If scientists have enough information about the roll the dice, they can actually simulate and predict the outcome. The same is true for the roulette wheel, ball toss and even a computer random number generated, in the end, everything can be predicted.

5. Transistor

Thanks to a breakthrough discovery in quantum mechanics, Stanford researcher Eugene Wigner and his student, Frederick Seitz, is the first to manipulate the properties of semiconductors in the 1930s. Armed with their research, scientists from Bell Laboratories developed the first transistor base over the next decade, and 1954, the U.S. military has built TRIDAC, the first computer-based transistors.

and for future quantum will be used as:

6. Teleportation

You have seen all sorts of teleportation in science fiction movies and television, and now it has finally become a reality. While scientists are those who conducted the research has been done step in the right direction. In this case, though, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, managed to teleport information on the matter. Specifically, the team was able to manipulate the properties of a single atom and atom simultaneously affect overground about 3 feet (1 meter) of objek.Terobosan this team helps the latest developments in the study of teleportation.
Earlier, a team of six engineers working at IBM proved that, at least in theory, the whole object teleportation is possible. It is important to note, however, that the original object must be destroyed in the process.

Source from here.

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